Sparkco's logomark

Blueprint for

Stop accepting 'good enough' as good enough

Let's aim to build something iconic

Through two decades of working with blue-chip companies and tech start-ups, we've developed a modern, flexible framework based on timeless foundationals.

Our work is all about strengthening and evolving your brand for the long-haul and rethinking the way you approach business courtship and then aligning everything around the ideal relationship you desire to have with your customers.

Think big and plan small

To achieve big dreams and aspirations requires meticulous planning and execution

Phase one:

Clarifying Strategy

Let's be honest, most companies, lack a coherent brand strategy– and even if they did, it's often too vague to offer any meaningful north star guidance.

Before jumping ahead with any design or creative, the first step is to identify and articulate the position in the market where you can win on your terms and having an actionable plan to get you there.

Phase two:

Purposeful Redesign

It is important that we distinguish between brand building and simply making things look nice. Branding is a set of intentional choices that advances the strategic vision.

This means being thoughtful and deliberate in crafting an holistic identity with a unique personality, distinctive flair, ownable assets, and a signature charm that leaves an indelible impression and memorable connections.

Phase three:

Brand Reactivation

The next challenge is to reveal the refreshed brand to the public with a campaign execution that is creative, distinctive and aligned with your long-term strategic objectives.

Brand salience does requires time and patience, but when done right, the payoff is transformational. This investment will shift dependency away from chasing after the same people with repeated ads and discounts to attracting a wider audience through emotional connections, shared values, and trust.

Phase four:

Continuous evolution

Vibrant brands are never complacent. As with any initiative, apathy can set in unless it is championed internally and supported by an active community.

Nurturing a healthy brand requires having people and processes that oversees it's ongoing evolution. It is having the competitive advantage to quickly respond to shifting tastes, desires, and seize on opportunities.

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Branding in the Digital Age:

Six way to become a brand people love
Six days. Six videos. Plus the complete ebook on day seven.