Sparkco’s icons consist of two colors predominately black with Sparkco peach, they should be simple in details, medium thick strokes and should always be rounded corners and tips to keep consistent look and feel with our logo.
Inspired by comic books, sparkco’s imageries utilize light to medium gray monotone halftone dot patterns background with cut out foreground subjects using our secondary colors and sparkco peach.
Background is served as a texture to help provide fuller story to the foreground visuals, make sure it isn’t too dark nor too overpowering
Suggested background halftone settings:
Foreground subjects color:
For foreground subjects, we should try to stick with our secondary colors as much as possible
sparkco’s mascot is modeled after our executive chair dog Sparkle, a cheerful Shiba Inu puppy who wears a red collar with a tag that has our four point star on it. The illustration style should be simple in color and shape, medium thick strokes and flat in color.
sparkco’s pattern is created and meant to be used as a pattern on peach and black background. It consists of a repeat pattern of our signature four point stars, and would be gradually scaled down in size towards the end decremental evenly, the pattern should always be white and never be used in full opacity, and the pattern should always start from the corners of the layouts.
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To align with our overall designs, the button should be always be rounded edge in a pill form.
Normal state color: #9A348E
Hover color: #343232
Horizontal padding: 30px
Vertical padding: 10px
Font: 16px Figtree regular
Text color: #ffffff
Stroke: 1px #525252
Horizontal padding: 20px
Vertical padding: 10px
Font: 16px Figtree regular
Text color: #525252
Hover effect: scale 105%