05 Typography

Primary font

We use two typefaces in our brand communications. Larken bold is our headline typeface, packed with offbeat energy, while figtree is our supporting typeface, which comes in various weights.

Larken Bold


Headline: Larken Bold

This is how our headline look like

Typeface: Larken Bold in sentence case.
Leading: 95%
Tracking: 0

Supporting and body copy: Figtree

This is the style for our supporting copy

Typeface: Figtree Light in sentence case.
Leading: 135%
Tracking: 0


Is your brand struggling?
Every company eventually hits an inflection point where your brand no longer reflects your ambition.

If you’re ready to reignite customer passion and close the gap between how you’re seen and how you wish to be seen, you’ve found the right place.


For clarity and impact, we align typography in two ways depending on communication, and the effect we want to create.

Left alignment

Left alignment is a classic, clear way to present text, especially longer content.

sparkco left text alignment sample 2
sparkco left text alignment sample

Center alignment

Left alignment is a classic, clear way to present text, especially longer content.

sparkco center text alignment sample 2
sparkco center text alignment sample

Alt font

In the event of not able to use our primary fonts, Minion Pro bold is our backup headline typeface, and Avenir is our supporting typeface.

Minion Pro Bold

Larken Bold